
Browse the world's biggest store at your fingertips.

Amazon brings you the ultimate shopping experience with over millions of products that you can buy with ease, comfort and speed.


Discover and shop for millions of physical and digital items.
Stream unlimited Prime Instant Video from within the Amazon app using the Prime Instant Video Player and watch famous HBO shows and more.
Shop at any of Amazon's sites around the world from a single app.
Instantly search for products, product details and read reviews on millions of products sold by Amazon and other merchants.
Revolutionise the way you shop with 1-click ordering, order tracking, delivery information, customer support, Wish Lists and Push notifications.
Compare prices and check availability by scanning a barcode by using Flow or typing your search.
Use your voice to search for products, buy with 1-click or add products to your Wish List with Android Wear watches (especially US customers).
Enjoy the confidence of safe and secure transactions.

This app is designed for Android phones. For an experience optimized for tablets, please download Amazon for Tablets. The Amazon app for Android Wear is installed as part of the app installation for Android phone. Access it through the Start Menu on your Android Wear watch.

Note: *Camera Permissions are used to scan barcodes and for Flow, a new way to search for multiple items quickly.

*Location Permissions are required to support the convenience store delivery service offered by Amazon in France and Japan. Customers in those locations can request delivery to a convenience store near their current location. This service is not available in other countries supported by the Amazon app.

*Account permissions are used for integration with Facebook and other social networks you have connected to your device to allow you to share products with friends and family.

*Phone calls: Place a call to Amazon Customer Service within the app.

*Microphone access: Search Amazon catalogue of products using your voice (voice search is available only in the US).

*Phone status & local storage permissions are required to support notifications in China. Data on phone status and local storage is used only in China. Requires Android OS 2.3 or higher and a rear-facing camera. Voice search requires Android OS 4.0 or higher.

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